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Differential aging effects on implicit and explicit motor learning.

Cisneros, E., Karny, S., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.* 

BioRxiv (2024). [PDF] [Code]

Motor adaptation is reduced by symbolic feedback compared to sensory feedback.

Chen, Y., Abram, S., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.* 

BioRxiv (2024) [PDF] [Code]


The detrimental effect of stroke on motor adaptation. 

Abram, S.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Yosef, H., Reisman, D., Kim, H. 

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (2025). [PDF] [Code]


Fundamental Processes in Sensorimotor Learning: Reasoning, Refinement, and Retrieval.

Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., McDougle, S. D., Taylor, J., Haith, A., Avraham, G., Krakauer, J. W., Collins, A., Ivry, R. B.

eLife (2024). [PDF]

Large scale citizen science reveals predictors of sensorimotor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S.*, Asmerian, H.*, Germine, L., Wilmer, J., Ivry, R. B., Nakayama, K. 

Nature Human Behavior (2024). [PDF] [Code] [Summary]

The Origin of Movement Biases during Reaching.

Wang, T., Morehead, R., Tsay, J. S.*, Ivry, R. B.* 

eLife (2024). [PDF] [Code] [Reviewed Preprint]

Minimal impact of chronic proprioceptive loss on implicit sensorimotor learning.

Tsay, J. S.*, Chandy, A.*, Chua, R., Cole, J., Farne, A., Miall, C., Ivry, R. B., Sarlegna, F.

Journal of Neurophysiology (2024). [PDF] [Code]

Bridging the gap between experimental control and ecological validity in human sensorimotor neuroscience.

Tsay, J. S.*, Steadman, N.*, et al. 

Journal of Physiology (2024). [PDF]

The way we respond influences what we ultimately perceive.

Ziman, M., Tsay, J. S

Journal of Neurophysiology (2024). [PDF]

Advanced feedback enhances sensorimotor adaptation.

Wang, T., Avraham, G., Tsay, J. S., Ivry, R. B. 

Current Biology (2024). [PDF] [Code]

Implicit adaptation is modulated by the relevance of feedback.

​Tsay, J. S.Parvin, D., Dang, K., Stover, A., Ivry, R. B., Morehead, R. 

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024). [PDF] [Code]

The Effect of Perturbation Variability on Sensorimotor Adaptation Does Not Require an Implicit Memory of Errors.

Wang, T., Avraham, G., Tsay, J. S., Ivry, R. B. 

PLoS Computational Biology (2024). [PDF] [Code]


Implicit reward-based motor learning.

van Mastrigt, N. M., Tsay, J. S., Wang, T., Avraham, G., Abram, S. J., van der Kooij, K., Smeets, J. B. J., Ivry, R. B. 

Experimental Brain Research (2023). [PDF] [Code]


A Unitary Mechanism Underlies Adaptation to Both Local and the Global Environmental Statistics in Time Perception.

Wang, T., Luo, Y., Tsay, J. S., Pöppel, E., Bao, Y. 

PLoS Computational Biology (2023). [PDF] [Code]

Signatures of contextual interference in implicit sensorimotor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S.*, Irving, C.*, Ivry, R. B. 

Proceedings. Biological Sciences (2023). [PDF] [Code]


Low vision impairs implicit sensorimotor adaptation in response to small errors but not large errors.

Tsay, J. S., Tan, S., Chu, M., Ivry, R. B., Cooper, E. 

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2023). [PDF] [Code]


Understanding implicit sensorimotor adaptation as a process of proprioceptive re-alignment.

Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., Haith, A. M., Ivry, R. B. 

eLife (2022). [PDF] [Talk]

Dissociable use-dependent processes for volitional goal-directed reaching.

Tsay, J. S.*, Kim, H. E.*, Saxena, A., Parvin, D. E., Verstynen, T., Ivry, R. B. 

Proceedings. Biological Sciences (2022). [PDF] [Code]


Interactions between sensory prediction error and task error during implicit motor learning.

Tsay, J. S., Haith, A. M., Ivry, R. B., Kim, H. E.

PLoS Computational Biology (2022). [PDF] [Code] [Talk]


Continuous manipulation of mental representations is compromised in cerebellar degeneration.

McDougle, S. D.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Pitt, B., King, M., Saban, W., Taylor, J. A., Ivry, R. B. 

Brain (2022). [PDF]


Implicit sensorimotor adaptation is preserved in Parkinson’s Disease.

Tsay, J. S.*, Najafi, T.*, Schuck, L., Wang, T., Ivry, R. B.

Brain Communications (2022). [PDF] [Code]


Cerebellar degeneration impairs strategy discovery but not strategy recall.

Tsay, J. S.*, Schuck, L.*, Ivry, R. B. 

Cerebellum (2022). [PDF] [Code]  

Two routes to motor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S. 

Nature Reviews Psychology (2022). [PDF]

How do we learn skilled movements?

Chandy, A., Tsay, J. S., Ivry, R. B. 

Frontiers for Young Minds (2022). [PDF]



Moving outside the lab: The viability of conducting sensorimotor learning studies online.

Tsay, J. S., Lee, A., Ivry, R. B., Avraham, G. 

Neurons, Behavior, Data Analysis, and Theory (2021). [PDF] [Code] [Talk]


Long-Term Motor Learning in the “Wild” With High Volume Video Game Data.

Listman, J. B., Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., Mackey, W. E., Heeger, D. J.

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2021). [PDF]

Why is online feedback more effective than endpoint feedback for sensorimotor adaptation?

Wang T, Avraham G, Tsay J. S., Ivry R. B. 

Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control (2021). [PDF] [Code]


Individual differences in proprioception predict the extent of implicit sensorimotor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., Parvin, D. E., Stover, A. R., Ivry, R. B.

Journal of Neurophysiology (2021). [PDF] [Code]


The effect of visual uncertainty on implicit motor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S., Avraham, G., Kim, H. E., Parvin, D. E., Wang, Z., Ivry, R. B.

Journal of Neurophysiology (2021). [PDF] [Code] [Talk] [Podcast]


2020 and earlier

Five Features to Look for in Early-Phase Clinical Intervention Studies.

Tsay, J. S., Winstein, C. J.

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair (2020). [PDF] [Podcast]

Dissociable Processing of Task Error and Sensory Prediction Error during Motor Adaptation.

Tsay J. S., Haith, A., Ivry R. B., Kim H. E.

Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control (2020). [PDF] [Code]


Continuous reports of sensed hand position during sensorimotor adaptation.

Tsay, J. S., Parvin, D. E., Ivry, R. B.

Journal of Neurophysiology (2020). [PDF] [Code]

The Effect of Visual Uncertainty on Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation.

Tsay J. S., Avraham G, Parvin D. E., Wang Z, Kim H. E., Ivry R. B.

Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control (2019). [PDF] [Code]

#Alzheimerʼs and Dementia: Expressions of Memory Loss on Twitter.

Danilovich, M. K., Tsay, J. S., Al-Bahrani, R., Choudhary, A., Agrawal, A.

Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation (2018). [PDF]

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