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Hand Dominance does not impact Motor Adaptation

Nyamsuren, I.*, Stathum, A.*,Tsay, J. S.

Neural Control of Movement [PDF].

Learning Sign Language with Real-time Kinematic Feedback

Nyamsuren, I. & Tsay, J. S.

Neural Control of Movement [PDF].

Mechanisms underlying Explicit Strategy Discovery in Motor Adaptation

Niyogi, A., Cisneros, E., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*

Neural Control of Movement [PDF].

Neural Mechanisms of Implicit and Explicit Motor Learning

Niyogi, A. & Tsay, J. S.

Neural Control of Movement [PDF].

Overfitting Explicit Strategies during Sensorimotor Learning

Ding, W., Tsay, J. S.

Cognitive Science Society [PDF].

Training Context Determines Implicit and Explicit Contributions to Motor Adaptation

Villavicencio, P., Tsay, J. S.*, Malla, C*

Vision Science Society [PDF].

No Evidence for the Role of the Cerebellum in Value-based Decision Making

Cisneros, E., Bol, K., Collins, A., Abram, S., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*

Reinforcement Learning Decision Making Conference [PDF].

Agency in Action Selection and Action Execution Produce Distinct Biases in Decision Making

Abram, S., Dave, L., Tsay, J. S., Wang, T., McDougle, S., Ivry, R

Reinforcement Learning Decision Making Conference [PDF].


Computational mechanisms underlying strategic discovery

Niyogi, A., Cisneros, E., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.*

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF

Fundamental processes in sensorimotor learning: Reasoning, Refinement, 

Tsay, J. S., Kim, H. E., McDougle, S. D., Taylor, J., Haith, A., Avraham, G., Krakauer, J. W., Collins, A., Ivry, R. B.

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF

Impact of Parkinson's disease on explicit motor adaptation

Bol, K., Cisneros, E., Tsay, J. S.*, Ivry, R. B.*

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF


Explicit sensorimotor strategies fail to launch in response to small errors.

Cisneros, E., Ivry, R. B.*, Tsay, J. S.* 

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF

A model of how the cerebellum contributes to visuomotor adaptation.

Guigon, E., Wang, T., Tsay, J. S., Avraham, G., Ivry, R., Morehead, R. 

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF


Motor biases emerge from a mis-alignment between visual and proprioceptive reference frames.

Wang, T.*, Tsay, J. S.*,  Chandy, A., Wang, Z., Ivry, R., Morehead, R. 

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF

Reinforcement Learning, the Cerebellum, and Agency.

Abram, S. J., Tsay, J. S., Wang, T., McDougle, S., Ivry, R.

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF

Differential effects of aging on implicit and explicit sensorimotor adaptation.

Cisneros, E.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Karney, S., Ivry, R.

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF

Studying semantic-gestural associations with ecological training and markerless tracking. 

Sebti, I., Tombling, J., Makin, T., MacSweeney, M., Tsay, J. S. 

UK Sensorimotor Conference. [PDF

Cerebellar degeneration impairs strategy discovery but not strategy recall.

Tsay, J. S.*, Schuck, L.*, Ivry, R. B. 

Neural Control of Movement. Victoria, Canada. [PDF]

Implicit sensorimotor adaptation is preserved in deafferentation.

Tsay, J. S.*, Chandy, A.*, Chua, R., Cole, J., Farne, A., Miall, C., Ivry, R. B., Sarlegna, F.

Neural Control of Movement Conference. [PDF]



Understanding explicit re-aiming as a process of reinforcement learning.

Tsay, J. S., Kim, H., Taylor, J., Haith, A., Krakauer, J., Ivry, R. B., Collins, A. 

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]

The effect of immersive virtual reality and exercise on cognition and action.

Irving, C., Tsay, J. S., Ivry, R. B. (2022).

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]



Implicit adaptation is preserved in Parkinson's Disease.

Najafi, T.*, Tsay J.S.*, Schuck, L., Wang, T., Ivry R.B.  

Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit. [PDF

Motor Biases are Persistent and Consistent. 

Chandy, A., Tsay J.S., Wang, T., Wang, Z., Ivry R.B., Morehead J.R.

Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit. [PDF

Sensory re-alignment model.

Tsay, J.S., Kim, H.E.,  Haith, A.M., Ivry R.B. 

Neural Control of Movement. [PDF

Identifying the predictors of successful motor learning using a data driven approach.

Asmerian, H.*, Tsay, J. S.*, Germine, L., Wilmer, J., Ivry, R. B., Nakayama, K.

Neuromatch Conference. [Video]


2020 and earlier

OnPoint: A package for online experiments in motor control and motor learning.

Tsay, J. S., Lee, AS., Avraham, G., Parvin, D., Ho, J., Boggess, M., Woo, R., Nakayama, K., Ivry, R.

BeOnline Conference. [Video]

Continuous Representational Transformation: Evidence that the Cerebellum Coordinates Movement on the Mental Number-line.

Tsay, J., King, M., McDougle, S., Pitt, B., Ivry, R.B. 

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]

The Effect of Visual Uncertainty on Implicit Motor Adaptation.

Tsay, J., Avraham, G., Parvin, D., Wang, Z., Kim, H., Ivry, R.B. 

Cognitive Neuroscience Society. [PDF]

Perturbation-Based Balance Training Post-Stroke May Reduce Fall Risk By 50%: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Kempkey, K., Castilla, A., Tsay, J. S., Melnick, M., Allen, D.

Combined Sections Meeting. [PDF]

Awareness of implicit adaptation during reaching. 

Parvin, D., Tsay, J.S., Kagan, O., Ivry, R.B. 

Society for Neuroscience. [PDF]

A Comparison Between the Development of Spasms and the Severity of Spinal Cord Injury in Mice.

Green, T., Lee, E., Schwartz, E., Tsay, J. S., Heckman, C., Tysseling, V. 

Northwestern Physical Therapy Synthesis Project Presentation Day. [PDF]

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